5 Ways to Motivate & Reward Employees For Free
One of the keys to success is a motivated workforce, and often, a little goes a long way. Research has shown that happy employees lead to a healthy bottom line. Especially at a time where the world around us is so uncertain.
Keep employees motivated
So, what are some quick, easy and free ways to keep employees motivated? We’ve compiled a list of five to get you started.
1) Express gratitude
Creating a culture that celebrates the small things. By focusing on gratitude for the individuals in your team, and their contributions to the job at hand – you will be surprised how contagious it is. Cultivating a sense of gratitude creates calm, positive spaces in the brain, which enable you to perform at a much higher level, by removing the negativity and stress that often bogs employees down, and leads to lack lustre performance.
Tip: For every task that is completed, thank the person for their work and express what it means for the company.
2) Recognise good work
Similarly to gratitude, recognition for a job well done, not only motivates the person who receives the recognition, but invites some healthy competition from their peers. Recognition boosts confidence and creates an emotional connection between the employee and their employer.
Tip: Every week make a point of recognising the work that your team has accomplished and share with the wider company.
3) Create a transparent organisation
Research shows that clarity is calming for the brain. When leaders share a clear vision and strategy for the company, it enables employees to see how they fit into the bigger picture. Understanding what your team needs to achieve may lead to more creative problem solving and risk taking – factors that are hugely motivating and confidence building for high potential employees, not to mention important for business.
Tip: Create specific and measurable goals for each team and be sure to explain how it fits into the big picture for the company.
4) Understand what your team finds rewarding
One size does not fit all. Every employee will be different and motivated in different ways. The key is getting to know your employees individually… some employees might be motivated by money, others by a flexible schedule, others may need constant guidance or just like to be left alone. If employees feel like they can be themselves, they will reward you by working to their fullest potential.
Tip: Set up time to talk with each employee 1:1 to understand how they prefer to work and how you can get the best from them.
5) Brighten up their day with a free employee rewards programme
Even in the most dynamic of workplaces, there is always an afternoon slump or case of the Mondays. At The Work Perk, we work with the world’s biggest and newest brands to provide physical work perks including samples and full-sized products to companies for free. We deliver exciting new products directly to the desks of your employees to make your working day brighter.
Tip: Head over to our companies page to sign up for fun, free product samples from some great brands. Alternatively send us an email at info@theworkperk.com to speak to someone.

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