Keurig Dr Pepper: Snapple Elements Product Sampling Case Study
Campaign Overview
We partnered with Keurig Dr Pepper again, this time to sample 3 flavors of their Snapple Elements range over 3 waves of distribution. Wave 1 & 2 in June and July 2022 was to distribute 110,196 Snapple bottles and leaflets across Chicago, Los Angeles, New York and Philadelphia to offices with a high density of staff that are Gen-z and Millennials. The 3rd wave in September 2022 was to distribute 109,524 Snapple units to Colleges and Universities in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York and Philadelphia.
Wave 1 & 2
Snapple’s demographic was 18-40 years old, 18-24 year olds being the bullseye customer. After segmenting our network to facilitate Snapple’s target demographic, we selected 178 companies geo-located near Walmart and Target stores to participate in wave 1 & 2 of this campaign. The strategy to select companies in close proximity to stores that sell this product was to influence campaign participants to go and purchase the products with the money off coupon distributed with the product samples. We achieved an 18.2% consumer engagement rate, 83% of which said they would buy this product and an 87% recommendation rate, which is the percentage of consumers that would be recommending this product to friends and family.
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Wave 3
The final wave of this campaign was to distribute exclusively to Colleges and Universities. University/College students are a valuable demographic to impact with product sampling. With an average age range of 18-24, students are in an impressionable age-class, allowing your brand to activate a long-term relationship and turn these consumers into brand loyalists over time. Furthermore, Gen-Z is a tech-native generation, spending a lot of time online. This means that they are more adept with e-commerce touch points and consuming/engaging with content on social channels. We used integrated marketing techniques to impact the target customer at the most convenient time, during students down-time between classes. Out of the 44 Colleges and Universities that participated in this campaign, we achieved an 18% consumer engagement rate, 19,648 completed questionnaires. We received an 88% propensity to purchase and an 89% recommendation rate.
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