Unilever: Dove Bath Salts & Bath Soak Product Sampling Case Study
Introducing the Limited-Edition Dove x Stacey Solomon Renewing Care Bath Salts & Bath Soak. We were extremely excited to be working with the Stacey Solomon limited edition Dove products for this campaign, distributing 69,680 samples of Dove Bath Salts & Soaks in total, 40,000 in December 2022 and 29,680 in January 2023. Unilever tasked us with targeting offices with the highest density of females aged 35+, the bullseye demographic being women aged 46-55. Based on this we narrowed down our sample size to 144 companies nationwide across the UK. We achieved an above average consumer engagement rate with 12,842 participants providing their product feedback, an 86% propensity to purchase and a massive 93% of participants highlighting they will be recommending these products to friends and family (Recommendation Rate). The qualitative feedback gave Dove useful insights into their environmental considerations, psychographics of intent to purchase and the buying behaviour of their bullseye customer.
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